
Showing posts from January, 2019

Essentials vs Optionals

Essentials Living and loving my family is an essential To keep a strong bond with family members is non negotiable I can't face myself if I'm not at peace with a family member.

Adjustment vs Ego

Wherever we have to adjust, it hurts our ego. The game designed by the universe is to melt our ego. Then why not choose to live in a place which is difficult on the ego. The important part is sadhana. 1 hr twice a day. That'll keep the constant reminder of awareness on. If I don't work on adjusting now, I may end up becoming rigid like my mom. Had nice conversations with Gudiya.  I want my mind to be flexible. Agile. Always accommodative. 


When I am in Baroda, I feel lost. Hence here is a list of interesting activities I could engage in: Learning music from Arundada - Meeting him every week Visiting Jayesh Bhai

Staying busy

I have been losing my temper often. And I spend a lot of time thinking. Goli says this is happening because I have a lot of free time. I should stay busy. I am making a long list of tasks. And I will attempt finishing them all everyday.

Living with harmony

I have to learn to live with harmony. Harmony with self, with family and friends, neighbors and everyone around. Living in harmony with nature and body is also important. I have to live in harmony with each and every cell of my body. Positivity is important. I have to stay happy and positive. No negativity on self or on others. Everyone is fighting a battle. They need love and peace. I have to be hardworking, and accommodative. Life is simple and easy and beautiful.

Freedom vs Adjustment

We met Dr Usha today. She is a very positive person. I want to be like her when I grow up. Her thoughts: We all want to be something, either be rich, or famous, or a saint. But are not happy where we are. It's important for us to invest in an independent house of our own. When I have my own home, I'll realize how hard it is to manage and run a house. Once a problem is solved, another problem will arise. Adjustment used to happen when there was scarcity of resources. Joint families lived together because they had no choice and money. ...... May be my prakruti is of the independent kinds, and hence i dont like to adjust.

Mummmys get angry

Both Mummys get angry. I don't like angry people. I don't like sad people. I don't want to stay with angry people. Both mums don't play with kabir. I don't get my food in time when I am with them. They have their style of working which bothers me. They eat and serve stale food. Their food habits don't align with mine. My mom is always under stress. She scolds me. I don't like it. I don't want to come back here again. This is not my home. Where is my home? Which is that space where I am welcomed with open arms? Moms homes are their private spaces. They don't like interference. I want to be around positive people. I feel I am positive. I can manage most of my work by myself. When I am by myself, I can create a positive atmosphere. The reason I want an independent home is so that I can create a lot of positivity around. I can organize and keep things in order. Eat meals on time. Fresh hot food. Padmini aunty gave a lot of stress. Everywhere I

Wednesday Call - Awakin Dialogues - Action without Purpose

Topic - Action without purpose Gems Freedom from conditioning is at the beginning, not at the end. - JK Just a little bit longer, from where you lose your patience   -Arun dada (to Meera ben, while they were climbing a peak in the mountains. Meera baa was on the heavier side, and asked Arun dada 'how much longer before we reach the destination'. Then in some sense, that point will never come, so continue to strive longer. Seeking constant distractions, escape from life. observation - If i dont have stimulus, i become dull. Constant need of  Observe non-judgmentally, and transformation will happen " Am I ok with this wretched life?  Accept it. " - Rahul bhai People and their habits will remain the same When I accept people as they are, there is no anger, frustration, complaint, or fear. Accept that people will scold me for being alternative. Accept them. Ignore them. Life may be messy, uncomfortable. Can i accept this discomfort? Kabir may take some more tim

Tuesdays with Stephanie - 2018

Long term Goals : Including all - collectively Stop the behaviour of having left out. Q. Which needs are met and which are not met Q. Make a list of what nourishes me A: doodles, colouring, letters, photos, music Homework: Short period interactions - meaningful Refill snacks Step out often - gurudwara Whatsapp videos - G mom increase bandwidth